Fear Message:
I believe this video captures the four key components of a beneficial fear message.
There is a real risk for negative events in their life:
In the video, Dr. Davis explains the risk of smoking marijuana. For developing minds in teenagers, there are serious risk such as “problems with memory, attention, learning and concentration."
It's very likely that this negative event will happen if they don't adopt a behavior:
Smoking marijuana is a big health problem. In the video, Dr. Davis compares marijuana to cigarettes. “Cancer causing agents are more likely to be found in marijuana than cigarettes. “Also, economically, it is costing, the government over “400 billion dollars” along with a increase in job loss, and low ratings for school performance.
It's likely the negative event won't happen if they adopt a behavior:
Dr. Davis urges teens to educate themselves about the serious risk of smoking marijuana or experimenting with any type of drug.
These are the specific steps you can follow to do this behavior:
Everyone should educate themselves on the dangers of marijuana and other drugs. For some people who may be need assistance in breaking their addiction to marijuana, there is recovery program known as Ranch Recovery Center, at Dessert Hot Springs, CA 92240
To display a simple message with distractors, I used a cartoon. In the cartoon there is a lady, a pharmacist, a drug dealer, and a warden of a prison. The cartoon is funny in way because it has four people who have nothing in common except for the one idea which brought them together and that is not legalizing marijuana. In most cases, these four characters would never encounter one another, but I believe the cartoon is represents the eagerness of a mother not wanting her children to smoke marijuana, and for the drug dealer, he would lose business because the government would receive money if marijuana became legal.
The following commercial identifies the risks of smoking marijuana. At the beginning of the commercial as the young teenage touches the joint, he futures flashes before his eyes. Next thing you know, his mother is disappointed in him, and he is kicked off the basketball team for being "high". This commercials did a great job on focusing on the present effects of marijuana and also the long term effects of marijuana on a young and developing brain.